Video Content: Making the Grade

Video Content Marketing Strategy

It has been proven that video content has increased conversion rates in sales. However, poor production quality may have the reverse effect on a consumer. Products and services that are not presented well can drive away prospective business. As with all marketing techniques, quality should always be of the highest concern. content marketing When creating video ads and promotions for your website, be sure to carefully consider your ad campaign. Just like any search engine optimization strategy, it’s important to measure the results of your video content. Use google analytics to see how your website is ranking with google and track your video views. If you’ve developed a specific landing page for video content, it will be easy to determine whether or not your video content is effective in generating site activity. Given that landing pages with video are known to generate four to seven times more engagement and response rates, you should see a considerable boost. Content marketing | digital marketing is it viral yet? is it viral yet? while going viral should never be the objective of your video marketing campaign (never ever!), the term itself has seemed to have taken off this year, exploded even… marketers, we’ve been hearing lots of stats like these: 5 billion videos are watched on youtube every single day, 1200% more shares are generated by social videos than text and images combined, videos on a landing pages increase conversions by 80% and 80% of users recall a video ad they have seen online in the past month.

When creating a video for your marketing campaign, steer clear of being “salesy. “remember the point of your videos is to act as a conversation starter as opposed to a selling tactic. Ask yourself, are you creating content your customers will thank you for? are you connecting with your audience on a human level?. According to a survey by wyzowl – 76% of the businesses which use video marketing believe that it results in a good roi. 93% of businesses believe that it increases user understanding of their product or service. And 72% of businesses believe that it has improved the conversion rate of their website. It’s not just the businesses who are inclined towards using video as a marketing device, customers are more willing to receive marketing messages in the form of videos too. According to a report from hubspot research , over 50% of customers prefer video over other types of content from a brand. Speaking of video creation, there’s one major question you need to answer before you actually start creating anything. What style of content should you be making in the first place? there are three widely-accepted forms of content in the marketing community. Educational videos these are the types of videos that are built around either actionable steps that your audience can follow today or thought leadership that your audience can incorporate into their lives tomorrow. The preference for video content is not just limited to streaming online movies and shows or watching youtube video clips, video is now extending into brands with studies showing that consumers (over 50%) are interested in video content from brands or businesses that they support ( hubspot, 2018 ). Facing the growing demand by users for more visual content, more brands are building video into their marketing strategy to build sales, brand awareness, trust, and a growing customer base. Platforms like instagram , youtube, and facebook are the most common.

Video Content Marketing Examples

If you’re here, it’s because you know the importance of video marketing. Brands can no longer get by using written content and images alone — nowadays, that’s uninteresting and unengaging for consumers who are inundated with live streaming, interactive 360 videos, augmented reality, and more. In the united states, digital video marketing extended article. video Video marketing is one of the strongest pieces of any content strategy today. The channel has seen tremendous growth over the past few years. In a survey conducted by wyzowl , 85% of people said that they’d like to see more video from brands in the future. Moreover, 81% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. Quite simply, google loves video content and an effective video marketing campaign should have search engine optimization (seo) in mind. To ensure maximum seo value from your videos, accompany the video with a well-written description that is tagged with relevant keywords to help boost the video’s seo. If a photo’s worth a thousand words, then how much more valuable is video? that’s the basis of video marketing, a forward-facing marketing strategy that integrates engaging video into your marketing campaigns. Video marketing can be used for everything from building customer rapport, to promoting your brand, services or products. Additionally, video marketing can serve as a medium to present how-to’s, promote customer testimonials, live-stream events and deliver viral (entertaining) content. Another shortcoming of the old model of video marketing is the failure to consider context. Context is the environment in which a piece of content exists. Getting the context right is utterly crucial for success. When a video is uploaded to youtube, the context often isn’t optimal. On youtube, the viewers can’t immediately buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, or receive coded pixels for retargeting. To take an action they must click to leave youtube and get to your site – something only about 1% of viewers do on average. Remember, youtube want users to stay on its platform, but you likely want the traffic on your site. The world is shifting, and video marketing is the new darling of content marketing! the purpose of content marketing is to create and offer valuable content customized for your audience. It should attract, engage and convert your visitors – basically it should carry them down the marketing funnel. That’s where video marketing comes in. There are so many opportunities for you to offer your audience video content throughout the buyer’s journey – videos that will help educate them, make it easy to trust your brand, and move them to a purchase decision faster. Consumers simply love videos, especially millennials. Videos are dominating the digital space since quite a while now. They have become one of the most effective ways to connect with consumers and engage them. To keep pace with the trend, you need to develop an effective video marketing strategy. The statistics below justify the effectiveness of video content:.

14 Reasons Why You Need to Use Video Content Marketing [2019 Infographic]

More and more companies are embracing video marketing. videos The number of businesses using video increased from 63% in 2017 to 81% in 2018. Here are a few reasons why: high roi: with a strategy set, you’ll have a repeatable, reliable system for creating engaging video content. 1. 1k #contentmarketing #marketingstrategy #socialmarketing so, you are ready to make the start for video marketing? well, the more sensible question is, why so late? there are reasons that i ask you for the delay. Well, video marketing is a tangible way that makes your content shine. Still worried that if it’s worth to invest in this style of marketing? well, then you need to read about it and then make the decision. Updated july 10, 2018 we recently published an infographic on how powerful video will become. But the future has already arrived. This has been a full-on video revolution year for marketers. According to wyzowl statistics, 63% of businesses have started using video content marketing. Out of those 82% of businesses feel video marketing is an important part of their strategy. Video is progressing rapidly and will reach new heights sooner than we think. This trend is fueled by 83% of businesses believing that video marketing gives them a good roi. Here’s the full infographic bringing together all the aspects of video marketing. Consumers want video because it’s the easiest format to follow. Make sure you include video in your content marketing. Check out more posts about video marketing: 5 killer video marketing strategies social media managers must know about powerful reasons you need to use video marketing. Below you will find listed some resources to help you up your video marketing game. How long should your videos be? ideal lengths for facebook, instagram, twitter, and youtube [infographic] 5 key reasons to incorporate video into your digital marketing mix how to get started with video marketing: a checklist for marketers an easy guide to creating social media videos that drive results. Before we delve into how you can use video content marketing, it’s important to first understand what actually makes video click. While there are a number of reasons that come to mind, the biggest one is that videos allow you to tell stories. Stories that you can use to connect to your target audience. Stories that you as a marketer can leverage to create powerful impressions and long lasting relationships. Stories that simply deliver. Because your target audience is consuming more video content than ever before. And many of your competitors are already using it. In fact, more than 50% of marketing professionals worldwide believe video has the highest roi among all content types but more than just stats, there are several other reasons why video needs to be a part of your content strategy.

Why should businesses use video as part of their content marketing strategy?

Discover the latest best practices for marketing with video from tubular labs. Whether it’s original content, a collaboration with an influencer, or a sponsored video partnership, a stellar video marketing strategy is central to your creative, publication, and distribution efforts. 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This is actually a slight decrease from last years figure (87%) but still represents a highly significant number, which has generally grown since 2016 (the first time we asked this particular question in this way. )what’s more, 92% of marketers who use video say that it’s an important part of their marketing strategy — the highest percentage of any year since 2015. Thanks for checking out this post. I hope you find our video marketing tips useful. Is video a part of your marketing strategy? do you have any tips for creating video content? let me know in the comments and i’d be thrilled to join the conversation. Originally written apr 13, 2017. Last updated nov 30, 2018. ​​​​​​​​​​the benefits of video marketing have gone through the roof in recent years, but is video marketing the new black? i believe it is! you might be resisting using video to market your business, but video marketing for small businesses has become a very effective strategy for those who have embraced it. Times have changed my friends, and it’s time to add video to your content marketing repertoire. Success with video marketing in 2018 hit peak levels. It’s not surprising if more businesses than in the past look to include video content as part of their digital marketing strategy. Marketing professionals need to be careful not to miss out on the opportunities that video content can provide for them. The 2019 report shows that 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool (wyzowl, 2019). With the increasing demand for video content, it’s no surprise that such a large percentage of marketing professionals claim to use video as a marketing tool. Marketing professionals trust in the potential of video content to be able to increase user engagement and to improve brand trust. Learn how our tech client’s video blog became one of its best seo assets. Content marketing is critical to search engine optimization, and video content can generate inbound links and web traffic. Though video content, itself, can’t be crawled by search engines, it has seo benefits. Videos are highly shared across the web, and marketers who include rich descriptions and keywords in video titles can also benefit from video platform search visibility and a presence on the video results section of google. Additionally, adding text transcripts of video content posted on a website can improve the seo value it has for the site. Pairing video with written content, whether an article or well-written metadata, has proven to be a strong seo strategy for businesses, with video listings appearing in the top 100 listings for more than 70 percent of searches, according to marketingweek. Up until this point in our interview, ben has described an organic video strategy for moving people from the awareness phase through the consideration phase. He acknowledges that businesses can begin running paid retargeting campaigns to drive people more directly and quickly through their marketing funnel. He notes that a drawback of running paid retargeting campaigns is that they may rush people through the customer journey and not give enough time to properly position your brand. The idea behind running an organic strategy is that it allows customers to consume your social engagement content over time and it primes them for when they’re ready to buy.

Video Marketing: The Future Of Content Marketing

After years of being seen as an emerging tactic, video marketing has firmly made it to the mainstream. Some 81% of businesses say they now use digital video as a marketing tool and 99% of those that use it plan to continue to do so in the future. However, this established popularity doesn’t mean that things have stabilized; video marketing continues to change rapidly, with constant shifts in viewer preferences, platform offerings, and advertising options. Video is not only a content type anymore, but it has also become a culture. Before that, theater movies and tv had driven the culture, and the only thing that has changed over the past few years is the platform. Culture is what drives the marketing around it, and 83% of marketers believe that video is becoming increasingly important; a clear indication of more brands using them as a part of their marketing strategies. It can be clearly seen how important video has become for every platform and marketing channel. Considering the fact that video is a powerful content type when it comes to encouraging certain behaviours in your audience, it’s surprising that many marketers are still viewing it as a “nice-to-have” tool rather than a necessity. This means that many strategies are failing to make videos work as hard as they could be. This is why in 2020 brands are more likely to start integrating video across their entire marketing funnels. Video content is currently one of the most effective components of a digital marketing strategy. With video marketing services from 1 source media group , your company can take advantage of the huge benefits possible from video. We have the expertise to extend the reach of your video through major sites such as youtube, vimeo, linkedin, instagram and facebook. Our superior video marketing services will target your demographic and help you increase search engine rankings. Shares292 if you’re looking for a proven way to boost traffic and increase conversions then you need a video marketing plan. It can be scary creating video content for marketing if you’ve never done it before, but having a strategy makes it so much easier. In this post, we’re going to cover 5 video marketing tips that will really get your traffic and conversions popping. We’ll also cover video marketing benefits and help you create a video marketing strategy that’s scalable and repeatable. Despite instagram’s dominant reputation as the go-to social photo platform, 25% of ads on instagram are video. For those with a creative edge, video content marketing via instagram is a treasure trove of engagement opportunities. Often serving as a sort of a spiritual successor to the now-defunct vine, it’s noted by wistia that longer videos on instagram receive less engagement. Social video marketing is a component of an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity around a given video. In a successful social video marketing campaign, the content, distribution strategy and consumer self-expression tools combine to allow an individual to “add their voice” or co-create value to a piece of content – then further propagating it out to their social circles. Social video typically benefits from a halo effect cast by the ” influencers ” of a given social grouping. Social video marketing draws on consumer-culture theory , economic theory , and social theory around the psychology of sharing. Social video marketing differs from social marketing , which has the intent of influencing behavior for a social good.


70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. ( hubspot, 2020 ) content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising. (content marketing institute, 2017) 51% of b2b marketers prioritize creating visual assets as part of their content marketing strategy. (hubspot, 2019) the most common measurement of success for content marketing programs is total sales. ( hubspot, 2020 ). Do you need help developing a business video marketing strategy? we offer strategic planning and video content production services ranging from low-cost blog to video production to full scale on-site or in-studio video production. If you are interested in learning more, sign up for a complimentary initial consultation/discovery meeting. Schedule yours today and let’s see if we can help. As you might have realized, using videos for marketing is a powerful strategy that is bound to give you a boost. However, if you make them a part of a campaign that provides omnichannel experience, you may break new grounds. Unlike multichannel experience, omnichannel aims to provide applicable content at the right time and requires more accurate tailoring and research. This strategy also perfectly works together with the trend of personalization and helps you discover even more experimental and unconventional marketing ways. People search on google and bing daily to find information. Search engine optimization (seo) isn’t just a video strategy for driving more traffic to your website. Seo is also essential for video marketing if you want your content to be discoverable in the search engines. Make sure that you put relevant keywords throughout your video titles, descriptions, and in your tags and video meta data when posting videos online. (source: content marketing institute) spending on content creation has increased with 56% over the course of 1 year, followed by an increase in spending on marketing staff (37%) and paid content distribution (36%). 65% of b2b players have acknowledged an increase in overall content marketing success. The leading factor for the increasing b2b content marketing success is producing high-quality content – 78%.


Video marketing remains best performing digital content type, driving more views, more engagement and more response than any other social posting option. bite-sized, interactive, experimental, and personalized videos seem to be a clear step forward. Marketers will get experimental with video content and video marketing platforms like tik-tok will continue to gain traction. We will see marketers leveraging technology to entice viewers and artfully blend their brand message in engaging video formats. 2016 saw a surge in the popularity of video as a content marketing format. 2017 saw video rise to the top of your marketing tactic list. Video as a tactic was likely streamlined by your creative team as a one-to-many awareness play, with lots of focus on expensive production and little analysis to show for it. For many b2b marketers video content is the biggest step in a content marketing plan, the one thing that is tackled last because it takes more resources to produce. That mode of thinking is changing, however, as more marketers lean on video content as an effective way to cut through the crowded content marketing landscape. In a recent cmi / marketing profs study, 76% of b2b marketers said that they plan to use video as a content marketing tactic in 2015. Video has become an incredibly important part of digital marketing, as it can facilitate a more personal connection with your prospects and clients. When video marketing is done right, it’ll provide viewers with a chance to get to know you and your business in a way that other forms of content marketing can’t compete with, because it much more closely simulates the experience of a face-to-face interaction. Google’s youtube platform has become the largest online video platform for user-generated content. Youtube offers a unique opportunity for marketing and advertising in a large number of both innovative and effective ways. We create custom marketing and advertising campaigns to help you take advantage of the audience that your brand gets on the platform. Our team recognizes new opportunities both while reaching popular channels to get more branded experience in the real content of their videos. If you’re one of those people who thinks you can’t or don’t want to incorporate videos into your marketing strategy because you don’t like to be on camera or you don’t have time to set up a backdrop and professional lighting—don’t worry. Not all videos require interviews or an on-camera element, and producing videos is easier than ever before. The quality of videos is important, but it doesn’t matter as much as the content, meaning people are willing to overlook a video of lesser quality if it’s funnier, more interesting, more relevant, more helpful, etc. Online videos are an essential part for any business’s content marketing because of its popularity across all age groups. Video is also widely shared on social media and via messaging apps, increasing the reach of your business information. Most importantly, video marketing is proven to improve leads and sales. Types of video you can create include explainer videos, branded videos, animated videos, and more. Video content marketing can be a challenge, but with the expert help of a video content marketer you can achieve the business benefits you want.

The article Video Content: Making the Grade first appeared on